Our Services

Explorer Our Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Services

Dryer Vent Decontamination


Dryer Vent Kings is now offering location decontamination! In these uncertain times, protecting our loved ones is a priority for all of us. Dryer Vent Kings has been in the business of disinfection and decontamination for over a decade, and we can guarantee professional, effective cleaning service no matter where we go.

Furnace Cleaning

Dryer Vent Kings also offers furnace cleaning services. Similar to air duct cleaning, furnace cleaning uses high-pressure air to clean the components of your furnace to minimize debris in the unit. Furnace cleaning improves air flow, reduces contaminants and can increase energy efficiency.

Dryer Vent Furnace Cleaning


We also offer disinfectant services for homes and businesses. We never use harmful chemicals to clean and disinfect surfaces. Instead, we use a special blend of “green” disinfectants which use natural herbs to safely and effectively remove pathogens and leave each surface clean.

Indoor mold Remediation

Mold remediation focuses on getting mold levels back to normal, natural levels. We conduct a full inspection of your home or business to check and remove dangerous mold spores.

Dryer Vent Indoor Mold Remediation Service

Did You Know?

Dryer vents should ideally be inspected and cleaned by a professional at least once per year.


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